For information about our lending library of scores and parts, visit this link.
G&S Groups
G&S Groups in New England
Concord Light Opera Company (Concord, NH)
Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society (Middlefield, CT)
College Light Opera (Falmouth, MA)
Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Maine (Ellsworth, ME)
Greater Worcester Opera (Worcester, MA)
Harvard-Radcliffe G&S Society (Cambridge, MA)
Savoyard Light Opera Company (Carlisle, MA)
Savoyards of Boston (Boston, MA)
Simsbury Light Opera Company (Simsbury, CT)
Sudbury Savoyards (Sudbury, MA)
Troupers Light Opera (Norwalk, CT)
Valley Light Opera (Amherst, MA)
Other G&S Groups in the United States
Lamplighters (CA)
Empire Lyric Players (CO)
The Victorian Light Opera Company (MD)
The University of Michigan G&S Society (MI)
Princeton Society for Musical Amateurs (NJ)
The Blue Hill Troupe (NY)
The G&S Society of New York
The Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island (NY)
The New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players -NYGASP
The Off-Monroe Players (NY)
Village Light Opera Group (NY)
Arden Singers (PA)
The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Chester County (PA)
The Penn Singers (PA)
Rose Valley Chorus and Orchestra (PA)
The Savoy Company (PA)
Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society (WA)
G&S Scholarship
Gilbert and Sullivan Archive
Gilbert & Sullivan Society (UK)
G&S Opera
D'Oyly Carte Opera Company (UK)
Wikipedia's G&S Site
G&S Community
Savoynet - an unmoderated electronic mailing list dedicated to discussion of W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan, the operas they wrote, British culture and musical theater of their time, and related matters.
Concord Light Opera Company (Concord, NH)
Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society (Middlefield, CT)
College Light Opera (Falmouth, MA)
Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Maine (Ellsworth, ME)
Greater Worcester Opera (Worcester, MA)
Harvard-Radcliffe G&S Society (Cambridge, MA)
Savoyard Light Opera Company (Carlisle, MA)
Savoyards of Boston (Boston, MA)
Simsbury Light Opera Company (Simsbury, CT)
Sudbury Savoyards (Sudbury, MA)
Troupers Light Opera (Norwalk, CT)
Valley Light Opera (Amherst, MA)
Other G&S Groups in the United States
Lamplighters (CA)
Empire Lyric Players (CO)
The Victorian Light Opera Company (MD)
The University of Michigan G&S Society (MI)
Princeton Society for Musical Amateurs (NJ)
The Blue Hill Troupe (NY)
The G&S Society of New York
The Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island (NY)
The New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players -NYGASP
The Off-Monroe Players (NY)
Village Light Opera Group (NY)
Arden Singers (PA)
The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Chester County (PA)
The Penn Singers (PA)
Rose Valley Chorus and Orchestra (PA)
The Savoy Company (PA)
Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society (WA)
G&S Scholarship
Gilbert and Sullivan Archive
Gilbert & Sullivan Society (UK)
G&S Opera
D'Oyly Carte Opera Company (UK)
Wikipedia's G&S Site
G&S Community
Savoynet - an unmoderated electronic mailing list dedicated to discussion of W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan, the operas they wrote, British culture and musical theater of their time, and related matters.